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7 Products

Kitchen Room Door Knobs

Showing products 1 to 7 of 7
Mortice Knob - Moroccan Red (Silver)

A Pair of striking red and white mortice room door knobs.

Mortice Knobs - Brown with Black Flowers

Classical and beautiful, brown rooms door knobs with black flower pattern.

Mortice knobs - Green Embossed (Silver)

A pair of pretty, green embossed, ceramic door knobs.

Mortice Knobs - Pure White

A pair of room door knobs for the purists! Lovely white ceramic door turners that will match any decor.


The kitchen door knob is the first thing that visitors see when entering your kitchen, so make sure that it stands out and sets the tone for your room. What seems like such a small detail can actually go a very long way in terms of interior design and it is a great way to set the atmosphere of a room. 

Selecting the right kitchen door knob is a great way to ensure that particular colours, styles, patterns and materials can all be implemented into the design of your kitchen itself. 

Even if you are just looking for something easier to use, to replace a broken kitchen door knob, you have come to the right place, with a fantastic range of many different unique and handmade knobs for every scenario.